Get the whole picture - Lessons I learned from ICON 2013

This is quite late, but here's my take home from the recent ICON  - Investment Conference 2013 last Saturday at SMX.

It was an event hosted by Randell Tiongson with speakers Chinkee Tan, Efren Ll Cruz, Dennis Sy and Marvin Germo and topics ranging from investment planning to entrepreneurship to stock market to money values.

I was luckily given a complimentary ticket so I felt to have given  that moral obligation to share what I learned with you.

So... here's my recap.

Randell started the show by sharing some macroeconomic insights, both good and bad, the Philippines currently has.

It was followed shortly by Chinkee Tan.
That was actually my first time to hear him talk and I was like sitting at the edge of my chair hanging on his every word.

He started by giving this basic equation: Minset + Action = Results.

Then he shared some loves of succeful people.

Love to think of new ideas
Love of challenges - the "Bring it on" attitude
Love to solve problems - problems of the world
Love changes : Innovate or Evaporate
Love to take calculated risks.
Love to take action

He was also the first to introduce to me the  term AQ (Adversity Quotient) as compared to the more popular IQ and EQ.

I have to agree when he said that at this point in our time, it's the AQ of a person that will make him much more successful than what his IQ can do for  him.

(I heard another life coach tell that the economy we have now is one that rewards more of the creative and collaborative type of contribution. With the advent of internet and easy access to information, the world is now less in need of intelligent people and is actually looking for those who can deliver something big from the vast knowledge we have now.)

He then shared below secrets:

Secret 2: Never put their eggs in one basket
Secret 3: Never kill the goose that lays the golden egg

Secret 3 actually hit me as I realized my negligence in taking care of my personal goose that lays for me a golden egg.  

He finished his talk with steps to do about money:
Create Money à Handle à Grow à Protect

The second speaker, Efren Ll Cruz, talked about investment planning.
His very relaxed way of presenting things into simpler terms is the thing I'll always admire of him.

Here's what in my notes:
1. Assess risk/return

With the short personality test we had, I found out that I have ESTP - overconfident/unrealistic persona.

2. Are you all SET?  This is a queston  for those thinking of direct investing in stocks considering the
Size of fund
Expertise in investing
Time available for investing

3. Before you invest - investigate.


5. Review performance.

I guess the most important thing I learned from him is that a plan should be goals-driven instead of being  product-driven. It's a good reminder for those attached to any investment type forgetting the main reason why he's investing in the first place.

The third speaker, Dennis Sy, is also a great one.

I must say this is the best part for me.
I liked very much his wisdom coated with good humor.
It's always good to be hearing values about money from time to time.
His stories are real that can easily move his audience.

Some truths he shared are:
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
"Your value is your center."

He also emphasized the need to be producers against being consumers and the need to focus on the purpose of money.

The last one was delivered by Marvin Germo talking about the stock market.
Sadly I had to leave early so I was only able to hear some truths he shared about the stock market from his own experience.

Overall, it's a great venue showing  the complete picture of creating, managing, growing and using money.

I am quite ecstatic knowing that seminars like this have now a ready  market in our country.
And I know that we will soon reap the harvest of this kind of education.

Have fun investing (and learning)!

PS: I'm brewing a technical analysis seminar soon.
With all the present commotion in the stock market, it pays for some to know more about timing,
If your're interested, let me know what you'd want to learn about TA.

In case this pushes through, you become part of those who can avail the biggest discount.

PS2: For beginners, download you perfect starter -My Maid Invests in the Stock Market ,  and start your journey to your millions now na.

PS3: I'm completing a video seminar (by Lyndon Malanog) to tackle critical things one should consider even before investing.
Watch here for the fist installment.

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